Antipoligraf: Understanding Polygraph Evasion Techniques

The term "antipoligraf" refers to methods and techniques used to evade or deceive polygraph tests, often called lie detector tests. A polygraph measures physiological responses, such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity, to determine if a person is being deceptive. While polygraph tests are widely used in criminal investigations, pre-employment screenings, and security clearance processes, there are ways people attempt to manipulate or beat the test—this is where antipoligraf techniques come into play. В чём состоит Ваша методика подготовки к прохождению полиграфа?

How Polygraph Tests Work

Polygraph tests are based on the principle that certain physiological responses can indicate when a person is lying. The test typically includes three types of questions:

  1. Irrelevant questions: General questions unrelated to the issue at hand, such as “Is your name John?”

  2. Relevant questions: Directly related to the issue being investigated, such as “Did you steal the money?”

  3. Control questions: Questions designed to provoke anxiety or concern, such as “Have you ever lied to a friend?”

The polygraph examiner analyzes the physiological responses to determine if the individual is lying.

Antipoligraf Techniques

There are various methods that individuals may use to try to deceive polygraph tests, some of which are physical, while others are psychological.

  1. Physical Countermeasures

    • Controlled Breathing: A person may try to maintain steady breathing, even during stressful questions, to avoid noticeable changes in respiration rates.

    • Muscle Tensing: By tensing certain muscles (such as squeezing the toes or clenching the fists) during control questions, a person may attempt to create physiological spikes, which confuse the polygraph machine.

    • Altered Body States: Some people may use substances like sedatives or stimulants to alter their physiological responses and appear calm under stress.

  2. Psychological Countermeasures

    • Mental Distraction: Individuals may use mental techniques, such as solving math problems or focusing on irrelevant thoughts during critical questions, to divert their mind and prevent revealing responses.

    • Confidence Techniques: Training oneself to remain calm and collected can help reduce the anxiety typically associated with lying.

    • Practice and Training: Some people undergo specific training to master the art of beating polygraphs by learning how to control their physiological responses.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Using antipoligraf techniques raises significant legal and ethical concerns. In many countries, lying during a polygraph test or using countermeasures to deceive the examiner can lead to serious consequences, especially in legal cases or during high-security clearances. However, it’s important to note that polygraph results are not always admissible in court due to their debatable accuracy.

The Reliability of Polygraph Tests

Despite being widely used, polygraph tests have been criticized for their reliability. Studies suggest that polygraph accuracy rates vary and can be as low as 70-80%, meaning there's still a margin of error. This unreliability has prompted the use of antipoligraf techniques, especially by those who believe that they might be falsely accused based on a polygraph's results.


While polygraph tests continue to be used in various fields, the rise of antipoligraf methods highlights the debate surrounding the accuracy and reliability of these tests. People interested in countermeasures must consider the legal and ethical implications of such actions, as well as the risks involved.


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